Wednesday, April 8, 2015

PM welcomes "EU's shy reaction to Rama"

KRUPANJ -- Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday "it was good that the EU reacted" to the Albanian prime minister's statements about "unification of Kosovo and Albania."
(Beta, file)
(Beta, file)
However, noted the Serbian premier, the organization did so "in a shy manner."
He added that Serbia "will continue its peaceful policy, but cannot remain silent after hundreds of such statements."

"It's high time for the redrawing of borders in the Balkans to stop. That's why I reacted and said it was really high time to stop with the redrawing of borders, to stop with something that will endanger both peace and stability in the Balkans. It's good, although the EU did so in a shy manner, that they reacted in any way," said Vucic.

In an apparent reference to an incident earlier this year when his Albanian counterpart displayed a map of Greater Albania, Vucic then added that "it must not be forgotten that I also asked 'what would happen if somebody drew a map of Greater Serbia on my father's house' or something similar, and what would they then do to me, to Serbia, in that case..."

"You kept mum, you did not say a word when that happened in Albania, and they said, well, you're right," Vucic was quoted as saying.

According to the prime minister "one then looks to react calmly, patiently and tolerantly to that kind of double standards or a different approach," and reiterated "it's good we've lived to see any, even a coy reaction of the EU on this issue."

"We will continue to seek good relations with Albania and we will insist on it, but we will let them know at any time what can, and what cannot pass in the Balkans," said Vucic.

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