Monday, April 20, 2015

No terrorist will be released, Greek Foreign Minister says

First entry: 21 April 2015
No terrorist will be released, Greek Foreign Minister says
The new law about the prisoners will not let any terrorists become free, Greece’s Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said after the meeting with U.S. State Secretary John Kerry.
Kotzias said he explained to his counterpart that the Greek government’s stance is determined by the fact that there are 11 decisions of the European court of Human Rights concerning prison conditions.
“I also told him that none of the convicted persons who will be subject to the provisions of the new law will be released. They will be placed under house arrest, under the conditions provided by the law” Kotzias noted.
Asked if the US would intervene in favor of Greece for Economic Affairs, Kotzias said: "I think US is interested in the stability of Greece and the surrounding area and based on that they discuss with everyone”, Kotzias said. He also invited Mr. Kerry to Greece.
Washington voiced concern over a new Greek law that could lead to the early release of Savvas Xiros, a member of the November 17 revolutionary group who is said to be in poor health.
US Ambassador to Greece David D. Pearce said on Monday that the release of terrorists from Greek prisons will be seen as a profoundly unfriendly act.
In a rare press conference in Athens, Pearce expressed his “deep concern” over the legislation coming to a final vote in the Greek parliament, which could lead to the early release of convicted terrorists.

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