Friday, April 3, 2015

Main opposition wants committee to probe Greek economy since 1981

First entry: 3 April 2015 - 19:40 Athens, 16:40 GMT
Last update: 19:40 Athens, 16:40 GMTPolitics
Main opposition wants committee to probe Greek economy since 1981
Main Greek opposition party New Democracy (ND) will submit its own proposal to establish a parliamentary committee that will examine what has happened in the country’s economy since 1981 and the reasons which led the country into a bailout deal.
The cutoff point is the year ND lost to the socialist Pasok, which governed for all but four of the next 23 years.
The Syriza/Independent Greeks coalition government wants the committee to examine only the period from 2009 onwards. Greece's bailout deal was signed in May 2010.
According to ND the procedure should start after the agreement between the government with its partners on June, state Athens New Agency reports.
During the ND informal political council, headed by party leader and former prime minister Antonis Samaras, it was said that the government wants to turn the spotlight elsewhere.
It was decided that ND will vote against the proposal of Syriza but its members will participate in the Parliamentary Committee.
“They are discussing about what happened on 2010 and 2012 but they don’t know what will happen tomorrow” New Democracy party members said.
They also stressed that ND agrees on the need to investigate how Greece signed the bailout deal. However, they underlined that they won’t vote for Syriza’s proposal because they disagree with its "divisive" rationale.

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