Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Heated situation in the Balkans, NATO's readiness group of rapid reaction, begins training by 9 countries

Starts "The Albanian - NATO Joint Reaction 15"

Even Balkan NATO Command, HELBROC (NATO - EU, Balkans Rapid Response Force) in Thessaloniki, Greece, is on standby

An unstable situation of violence could flare in the Balkans, but NATO and the EU, will use force through rapid intervention, by NATO Alliance centers in Naples and Thessaloniki.

But NATO military training activities, is planned to take place even in Albania, especially recently Ports of Albania, are visited by ships of the US Navy destroyer in the rocket launcher level.

Just by an official communication, the US Embassy in Tirana, announces to intensify training interventionists that fast in case of crisis or conflict in the region, with large participation of NATO troops by sea and land.

On Monday, March 30, Deputy Chief of Mission Henry Jardine spoke at the opening ceremony for the Joint Reaction 15 exercise planning conference. Joint Reaction 15 is a regional civil emergency exercise that is being hosted by the Albanian government and is scheduled to be conducted in July 2015. 

foto e U.S. Embassy-Tirana
The aim of this exercise is to enhance cooperation among regional partners from throughout the Balkan Peninsula to improve the timely and effective deployment of disaster relief. Exercise participants include representatives from nine countries, including United States Army National Guard members who will be working alongside their State Partnership countries.

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