Friday, April 3, 2015

Former President of Omonia Vasilis Bolanos, convened by the Attorney General, of Vlora

 How much longer, must we to hide, this news?

Albanian State holds in a difficult position, the former President of Omonia (The Greek Ethnic Community in Albania) Vasilis Bolanos, to "kidnapped" Himara, the "strong castle center of Hellenism" in Southern Albania.. by improper use of the Prosecution and Institutions of Justice to blackmail the leadership of Omonia, and seriously damaging the national interests of the Greek Community in Albania..

Former president of the Municipality of Himara, accused of planning permission granted in 57 cases, without legal documents ..causing financial and environmental damage, particularly in the logging of secular olive trees..

Charges from SAI, Vasillis Bollano is Sending to the General Attorney of Vlora District, by January 2013, but paradoxically the process was interrupted and resumed after two years, in February 2015, just the time when he was replaced by the president of Omonia, a period of dark full of blackmail and unexpected.

The strategy of the Albanian state, is to bend, leaders of Greek Minority and to silence journalists for the human rights, and this is confirmed, the charges for Bolano, for which the total indifference of Omonia on the New Territorial Division in Himara Case, clearly shows that Bolanos has been "hostage by the" Albanian State "...

 But if it turns out that, Vasilis Bolanos, was held "hostage" for at least several years, the "Albanian justice" to achieve the objectives of the Nationalist Albanian State, against the population and the Greek Community of Himara, then Athens, should intensify an international survey to the Albanian Government.

The New Territorial Division by the Albanian Parliament, went against the interests of the Greek Community of Himara, without protest and referendum, which was designed to evolve from Omonia, which implies in discussion "Appeal of Albanian politics, the Greek side.

Vasilis Bolanos invested by the Greek political and diaspora communities in order to serve the Greek Community in Albania, but the burden of Greek leadership in Albania, has fallen very recently, especially after the 2011, The scandalous Census Process and the New Territorial Division, which means that recent efforts of the Albanian Nationalist State, regulating the territory of  "The Greater Albania".

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