Wednesday, April 29, 2015

'Euro dictatorship' is mocking Greece, says Marine Le Pen

First entry: 29 April 2015 - 13:40 Athens, 10:40 GMT
Last update: 13:40 Athens, 10:40 GMTWorld
'Euro dictatorship' is mocking Greece, says Marine Le Pen - VIDEO
France's far-right Front National party leader, Marine Le Pen, has said that the tense talks over the debt deal with Greece has revealed the "real face" of European Union which has "brushed aside" the wishes of the Greek people.
Le Pen, who described herself as a "ferocious" opponent to the EU, described the group as a "Euro dictatorship" and insisted that it was up to the Greek government to take responsibility of its future.
"I think that Greece, by saying that it will not quit the euro, in reality it's making promises that it cannot keep. For the simple reason that the euro and austerity are indissolubly linked," Le Pen told CNBC.
"It (the EU) mocks and brushes aside the popular wish expressed in the Greek elections and it seeks to impose a policy of austerity, the continuity of policy of austerity which the Greek people no longer want. And confronted with the choice, who will win? Democracy or Euro-Dictatorship? It's up to the Greek government to take up its responsibilities," she said.
Le Pen is widely expected to run for president of France in 2017.
The anti-immigration FN won the European elections in France last year with around 25 percent of the vote, and surveys suggest that Le Pen could reach the second round in the "two-round system" used in France.

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