Thursday, April 23, 2015

Djuric to travel to Kosovo "with or without permission"

BELGRADE -- Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director Marko Djuric has said that he will visit the province despite the fact Pristina did not officially approve it.
Djuric addresses a news conference on Wednesday (Tanjug)
Djuric addresses a news conference on Wednesday (Tanjug)
"I was informed by the provincial government that it is unable to allow me to visit Gracanica, which was to be organized during today and tomorrow," he said.
"My only message is: See you in Kosovo and Metohija. After all, the republic-level government has seniority over the provincial," Djuric told journalists, in reference to the governments in Belgrade and Pristina.

He spoke on Thursday after a meeting of the Serbian Parliament's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija.

Asked whether the decision of the authorities in Pristina was "a response and an act of reciprocity in relation to the cancellation of Hashim Thaci's trip to Belgrade," Djuric said that he received no explanation for Pristina's decision not to enable him to go to Gracanica.

Djuric also said that further progress in talks with interim institutions in Pristina will not happen until the issue of the formation of a community of Serb municipalities (ZSO) has been resolved.

"The debate on the Statute of the ZSO is in a serious stage. We are consulting with representatives of the municipalities and several drafts are being worked on. Before anything is determined, things must be measured and evaluated many times. In any case, the domestic public will be learn about our draft statute," Djuric said.

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