Friday, April 10, 2015

Albania "promised there's be no change of borders"

PRAGUE -- Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati has said that "the aspiration of Albanians is to join the EU because it unites people and nations."
He told Radio Free Europe (RFE) that "Euro-Atlantic orientation of both Albania and Kosovo is clear" and that "the Albanian Prime Minister gave a besa (Albanian word of honor) to the international community that borders will not change."
"The attitude of Albania, our attitude has always been crystal clear, consistent, and because of the constructive and dynamic attitude of our foreign policy in the region, Albania is considered an anchor of regional stability," said Bushati.

He was commenting on reactions coming from Belgrade - namely, a protest note sent to his country - over Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama's statement about "a unification of Kosovo and Albania, either through membership in the EU, or the classic way."

"Politicians in Belgrade are free to interpret the statements coming from Albania as they want, even for their daily political purposes. It is not normal that they are misinterpreted, but I am not worried either by the manner of this interpretation, or by the abuse of these statements," added Bushati.

He then "stressed that there is great gratitude toward the EU and the United States for all they have done in the region, especially since the fall of communism until today," and expressed his belief that "both Albania and Kosovo have, through concrete processes and actions not only to benefit of the region but also beyond, proved that gratitude."

Asked "whether there is concern when it comes to EU's policy towards Albanians in the Balkans, as has been pointed out several times by Rama," he replied that there was "no discriminatory policy towards Albanians."

"I think the opposite is true, the EU has maintained a just and fair policy towards all countries in the region. What PM Rama and all of us are asking for is a predictable process," said Bushati.

"We welcomed the fact that Serbia was granted candidate status and started negotiations for membership. We did the same in the case of Montenegro and I believe that a possible decision to start negotiations with Albania would represent contribution of the EU toward the policies the EU itself has rooted in the Western Balkans. The same can be said about the visa liberalization process for Kosovo, the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Kosovo, because these are, in one way or another, an investment of the EU in the citizens of the Western Balkans," the Albanian minister said.

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