Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Utrinski Vesnik, Macedonia: Albanian parties to veto amendments to identity cards legislation

18 March 2015 | 09:03 | FOCUS News Agency
Utrinski Vesnik, Macedonia: Albanian parties to veto amendments to identity cards legislationPicture: Утрински весник
Skopje. Albanian parties in Macedonia will not back the amendments to identity cards legislation, Macedonian online news outlet Utrinski Vesnik writes.
Ali Ahmeti’s Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) said it would use the Badinter majority to impose a veto on the legislative amendments. According to DUI, this is anti-Albanian legislation. The amendments envisaging the deletion of address registration of anyone who did not declare leaving the country for over 3 months are controversial for both DUI and the Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA). According to DUI’s Talat Dzaferi, this is anti-constitutional as it restricts freedom of movement.
“Citizens have the right to leave Macedonia when they wish to and to return when they want,“ Dzaferi commented.

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