Friday, March 13, 2015

Tsipras: 'Greece's problem is Europe's problem'

First entry: 13 March 2015 - 12:45 Athens, 10:45 GMT
Last update: 12:45 Athens, 10:45 GMTPolitics
Tsipras: 'Greece's problem is Europe's problem'
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Friday the problems facing Greece are the eurozone’s problems and its partners in the single currency bloc should send a message of solidarity to his country.
"Greece has already started fulfilling its commitments mentioned in the Eurogroup decision of 20 Feb so we are doing our part and we expect our partners to do their own," he said during a joint press conference with European Parliament Speaker Martin Schulz in Brussels.
"And I’m very optimistic...that we will find a solution because I strongly believe that this is our common interest. I believe that there is no Greek problem, there is a European problem."
He claimed Greeks need some support following five years of implementing harsh austerity.
"Now is the time to give a message of hope to the Greek people, not only implement, implement, implement and obligations, obligations, obligations."
He added that if the European institutions signal that they will provide help and solidarity in order to overcome "this very bad situation at the social level".
Tsipras reiterated his position that his government is pro-European and expressed optimism that "misunderstandings" will be solved and that an "honest compromise" will be reached.
"Our intention is to implement this decision in a constructive way, in a way that will help Greece to overcome the crisis and Europe to overcome the crisis," he added.
Guardian, Reuters

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