Friday, March 6, 2015

Belgrade "respects Ukraine's territorial integrity"

BELGRADE -- Minister without portfolio for EU Integrations Jadranka Joksimovic said on Friday that Serbia "respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."
Filipenko (R) and Joksimovic meet in Belgrade (Tanjug/Serbian Government)
Filipenko (R) and Joksimovic meet in Belgrade (Tanjug/Serbian Government)
She made the comment as she met with Ukrainian Charge d'Affaires in Belgrade Yevgeniia Filipenko, "to discuss Serbia's European integrations."
"The reforms that are being undertaken by the government are crucial for achieving Serbia's strategic goal on the path to EU membership and the regional cooperation that the country is promoting is significant," Joksimovic said.

She reiterated that Serbia respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, the Serbian government said.

Filipenko said that the Ukrainian side is interested in cooperation and experience-sharing in the field of European integrations, and wished Serbia success on that path.

She also noted that Ukraine is "defending the principles of international law" and that it has not recognized Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence, and added that Kiev "welcomes Serbia's efforts as OSCE chair."

According to Joksimovic Serbia will strive to, in that role, "gain affirmation as a dependable partner and, to the best of its abilities, contribute to solutions to issues relevant to the stability and security in the European region and beyond."

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