Friday, March 20, 2015

Golden Dawn leader, lawmaker set free

First entry: 20 March 2015
Golden Dawn leader, lawmaker set free
Nikos Michaloliakos, leader and MP of extreme right Golden Dawn, and lawmaker Ioannis Lagos were released from jail Friday afternoon.
The two, who had been arrested in September 2013 on charges of belonging to a "criminal organization" as judges had described Golden Dawn, were released because the 18-month pre-trial detention limit has expired.
The two, along with other Golden Dawn officials and members, still face trial on a variety of charges, including murder.
"Mr. Michaloliakos has exited the place where some people placed him illegally convinced he would never come out. But he will be acquitted in the coming trial. He will stay under house arrest on the illegal charge of illegal possession of a weapon," said Michaloliakos' lawyer Nikos Antoniadis.
"Eveerything will be fine," Lagos said.

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