Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Djuric: Serbian govt will continue to support Kosovo Serbs financially


Published: Mar 4, 2015

GRACANICA – The future community of Serb municipalities will be funded by Belgrade, Pristina and the international community, and the Serbian government will continue to support the Kosovo-Metohija Serbs financially, the head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija, Marko Djuric, said in Gracanica on Tuesday.

The community of Serb municipalities will be funded by Belgrade and Pristina, as well as by the international community – quite certainly, the Serbian government will continue to support the Kosovo-Metohija Serbs financially, and they, through their community, should draw funds from wherever they can obtain them, Djuric said.

Anyone who is prepared to make an institutional contribution to funding the Serb community is welcome, Djuric said at a press conference after attending a round table discussion in Gracanica on decentralisation and the Serb community in Kosovo-Metohija and the implementation of the Brussels Agreement and establishing the community of Serb municipalities.

As far as Belgrade is concerned, it will quite certainly continue to assist its people in the best way possible, Djuric added.

The funds that Serbia is investing through its institutions and the people who live in Kosovo-Metohija are an important contribution to the economy in Kosovo and Belgrade is working very actively on establishing the community of Serb municipalities, he said.

“Here in Kosovo, it is an absolute priority for us, it is the central point of the Brussels Agreement and we will not be satisfied until the community of Serb municipalities is established to the extent and in the manner that will enable the Serbs to survive here in the long term by having collective political, cultural, economic and all other rights,” Djuric noted.

The discussion was the first in a series of round table events to be organised this year by the Forum for Ethnic Relations in collaboration with the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society as part of a project dealing with the challenges facing the Serb community on the way to a normalisation of relations in Kosovo-Metohija.

The event in Gracanica was attended, among others, by Jennifer Brush, special representative of the UN Secretary General in Kosovo-Metohija, Gracanica Mayor Vladeta Kostic, lawyer Azem Vlasi, political analyst Dukadjin Gorani, Kosovo’s presidential adviser Arber Vlahiu and representatives of the non-governmental sector.

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