Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dacic: Kosovo should be prevented from joining CE, UNESCO

Published: BELGRADE – Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday Serbia faced a difficult fight in trying to prevent Kosovo from becoming a member of the Council of Europe and UNESCO.
Ivica Dacic - Photo:
Ivica Dacic – Photo:
He also stated that Albanian, and sometimes US, officials asked at each OSCE meeting when Kosovo would take part in those.
As for Kosovo’s membership in the OSCE, it is impossible because such an issue is decided through consensus, he said at a meeting of the Serbian parliament foreign affairs committee as he submitted the 2014 work report.
Serbia does not dispute Pristina’s ability, right and need to take part in various regional meetings, but it is against Kosovo becoming a member of international organisations and institutions because it would be an indirect statement about Kosovo’s status, he explained.
That is why it is very important for Serbia to up its diplomatic activities towards preventing recognitions of Kosovo’s independence, which was declared unilaterally by the Kosovo Albanians in February 2008, he pointed out.
Serbia should focus on its traditional friends in Latin America, Africa and Asia in the near future, as they are being pressured to recognise Kosovo, he stated.

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