Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Vladimir Putin receives a warm welcome from Hungarian PM Viktor Orban

The Hungarian prime minister hails Russia as a successful example of the “illiberal” states which he wants to emulate

Vladimir Putin with Viktor Orban before a joint news conference in Budapest
Vladimir Putin with Viktor Orban before a joint news conference in Budapest  Photo: Laszlo Balogh/Reuters
Vladimir Putin visited Hungary on Tuesday in an attempt to show the world he still has a friend in the EU despite East-West tension over Ukraine.
The Russian leader held talks with Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, who has been accused of becoming a “little Putin”, harassing civil liberty groups, clamping down on the press and entrenching his grip on power.
As many as 2,000 protesters took part in an anti-Russia march hours before Mr Putin touched down.
“The pestering of civic groups, corruption and the fattening of oligarchs show that we are getting ever closer to the Russian model and farther from the European one,” said Gabor Vago, one of the organisers of Monday night’s protest.

Protesters hold a banner with a text 'Attention Russia!' during a demonstration in Budapest (AFP)
Last year Mr Orban said he wanted to build an “illiberal new state” in Hungary, and cited Russia as a one example of a “successful” illiberal country.
Mr Orban on Tuesday night announced that Hungary had reached a “political agreement” with Moscow on a new gas deal. “Hungary needs Russia”, Mr Orban said, adding that it was important for Russia to be open to Hungarian products, which have been affected by Russia’s ban on EU imports – a countermeasure to EU sanctions against Russia because of the Ukraine crisis.
He added: “We are going to aspire to cooperation and having good contacts. I am personally sure that cooperation and warm relations serve not only the interests of Hungary, but of all Europe.”
Vladimir Putin said: “We value our reputation as a reliable supplier of resources to Europe and Hungary.”
The Russian president said that Hungary and Russia had “unquestionable potential for increasing cooperation in the economic sphere.”
Although Budapest has backed the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its role in the Ukraine crisis, Mr Orban has stressed the limited effect they have had on the situation, and last year he said the EU had “shot itself in the foot” by restricting trade with Russia.
Critics of Mr Putin’s visit fear it will be used by Russia to demonstrate the apparent weakness of Western unity, and that a deal to supply Hungary with Russian gas could also provide Mr Putin a foothold of influence in both the EU and Nato.
Ferenc Gyruscany, leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition, declared Mr Putin’s visit a failure for Hungary as it did nothing more that allow the Russian leader to show the world he still has friends in the EU.
Mr Orban’s apparent closeness to Russia is at odds with much of his past.
As a young man he rose to prominence as a critic of the communist rule imposed on Hungary by Moscow, and in 1989 he made passionate calls for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungarian soil.
He was also a founder member of Fidesz, a party which has its roots in the anti-communist movement.
But since coming into office in Hungary’s 2010 general elections he has faced frequent accusations both at home and abroad of emulating the authoritarian practices he once opposed.
Such criticism failed to stop Fidesz cruising to another easy victory in last April’s parliamentary elections, although since then the party’s popularity has slumped in the opinion polls owing to a backlash against a number of controversial polices such as a proposed internet tax.

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