Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rama: The Balkans in danger of Islamic extremism, the EU save

Rama: Ballkani në rrezik nga ekstremizmi, BE ta shpëtojë

"if Islamic extremism will find the way to become a religious nationalism in the form of movement within the Balkans, would be the end of this that we have today, "said Rama

The visit to Bucharest was chosen as the right moment for the Romanian public presentation of the book "Sacrifice, Kurban", authored by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama.

Such PM Rama considers how we should behave Europe Balkans diversity of religious beliefs and the so-called Islamic State of ISIS-it, which according to the head of the Albanian government "represents an extreme escalation of Islamic radicalism".

"We think that he escalation is a very strong reason for Europe and the European Union that this religious diversity in the Balkans is to take the defense as soon as possible to accelerate the process of integration, not making policies that are tactical and not have nothing strategic in relation to Balkan countries, because if Islamic extremism will find the way to become a religious nationalism in the form of movement within the Balkans, would be the end of this that we have today, "said Rama.

From Bucharest Prime Minister Rama explained for the first time his view of why she calls "radical Islam" may find ground in several Balkan countries.

"Radical Islam finds it easier to penetrate the psychological territory of frustration by the reluctance of the EU to act swiftly and quickly pull us inside. Islamic radicalism is acting exactly in this area, conveying the idea that Europe is not our way, because Europe is a Christian club and therefore Europe is hesitant to us, "argued Rama.

Prime Minister Edi Rama, which advocates that the Balkan region is at peace, because all believe and are dreaming of membership in Europe, was honored in Bucharest with the title "Honoris Causa".

/ Top Channel

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