Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Portugal president warns Greece of disaster if it leaves euro

First entry: 11 February 2015
Portugal president warns Greece of disaster if it leaves euro
Portugal's president said on Wednesday it would be a disaster for Greece if it left the euro currency and that it needs to "correct" its positions to reach agreement with European creditors.
"I think it would be good for the European Union and Greece to remain a member of the euro," President Anibal Cavaco Silva told reporters in comments aired on television. "I am convinced that it would be total disaster for Greece if it were to leave the euro."
The president, who is head of state in Portugal, said the Greek government had started to learn about the functioning of the European Union and that it had started to change its positions since coming to power last month.
"I hope it continues to correct them (its positions) so that it can reach and agreement in the Eurogroup meeting, in its dialogue with the (European) Commission and in the meeting with the European Council," he said.
The new left-wing Greek government will meet with euro zone finance ministers on Wednesday and with EU leaders on Thursday when assistance to Athens beyond February will be discussed.

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