Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Juncker 'relieved' by nomination of Pavlopoulos as Greece’s next President

First entry: 18 February 2015 - 14:45 Athens, 12:45 GMT
Last update: 07:20 Athens, 05:20 GMTPolitics
Juncker 'relieved' by nomination of Pavlopoulos as Greece’s next President
The decision by Greek PM to nominate ex-Interior Minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos to be the country's new president, means that plans to change the Greek Commissioner are not on the table, says a report in euractiv.
The abandonment of a previous plan to make current Greek Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos President comes as a relief to Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.
Pavlopoulos appointment to the largely ceremonial role came as a surprise. The most widely expected candidate had been EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos. That would have allowed the left-wing Tsipras government to send one of its own members to Brussels.
This option is no longer on the table, much to the relief of Juncker and of the rest of his team.
Although Commissioners are supposed to be independent, it is difficult to imagine Juncker, a conservative, working hand in hand with a radical left politician.

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