Sunday, February 8, 2015

Greece needs bridge loan, not bailout, Tsipras says

First entry: 8 February 2015
Greece needs bridge loan, not bailout, Tsipras says
Greece cannot service its huge debt and will seek a bridge loan rather than an extension of its bailout, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has said.
In an address to parliament, he also promised measures to cut bureaucratic spending and said his government would stick to all its pre-election pledges.
"Greece wants to service its debt…If our peers want so too, they are invited to come to the table of dialogue so we can discuss how to make it viable," Tsipras told parliament on Sunday.
Greece's current programme of loans ends on 28 February. A final €7.2bn is still to be negotiated, but the new government has already begun to roll back austerity measures.
Greek debt stands at more than €320bn, or about 174% of Greece's economic output.

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