Thursday, February 12, 2015

Greece bailout talks: No agreement in Brussels

Greek and eurozone officials have failed to reach an agreement over Greece's debt crisis, though both sides said there was still hope for a deal.
Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said seven hours of talks in Brussels had been "constructive".
But they ended without a joint statement to outline procedural steps ahead of further talks next Monday.
Greece says its bailout deal with the EU is punitive and must end. The EU has warned Greece to abide by the deal.
Greece's government, led by the radical left-wing Syriza party, says the conditions of the €240bn (£182bn; $272bn) bailout have impoverished Greece.
It was elected on a promise to end the bailout and ease the austerity measures that have accompanied it.
The government has proposed to overhaul 30% of its bailout obligations, replacing them with a 10-point plan of reforms.
However, Greece's creditors in the EU, led by Germany, have insisted that the terms of the bailout cannot be altered.
Graphic showing how much Greece owes to whom
The Greek tangle - by BBC Europe Editor Gavin Hewitt All are aware that the clock is ticking.
If there is not an agreement within two weeks to extend the current bailout then Greece will not be eligible for a €7bn loan and shortly after will run out of money.
At the moment there is deadlock. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras cannot go back to the Greek people if the existing deal is extended.
He will be accused of having misled the the voters.
The Germans, the Dutch, the Spanish and others are not prepared to tell their voters that the Greeks are getting a new deal.
Robert Peston: Greece and the Eurogroup need a marriage counsellor
What we know about Greece's debt plans

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