Wednesday, February 25, 2015

EU Progress Report in EP, should be conditioned by really "Reforms in Albania

"Greater Albania" and the Human Rights of the Greek Community  in Himara Region, the speech held by EMP of the Golden Dawn, George Epitideios

The first report of Fleckenstein for Albania was valued as "good and balanced" by other political groups and the representative of the European Commission, who was encouraged by the Romanian MP, Bostinaru, "to start the accession negotiations with Albania, so that the trust for the enlargement process remains". A stable political dialogue, corruption, the judiciary, crime, economy and the administration, these were the main topics during the discussions with the Foreign Committee.

"The report is balanced and shows the key challenges that the country is facing, but I am sure that it will be even better after the amendments will be discussed. Albania received the candidate status during the last year, after long political tensions. The political confrontations were the main obstacle for continuing with the integration process of Albania. I think that the report underlines the importance of political dialogue, of resolutions through compromise and the need to improve the political culture. The rule of law, corruption and organized crime remain important issues. The judiciary reform and its independence need to be a priority. The territorial administrative reforms for the public administration should also be emphasized in the report. I know that these reforms have been politically contested, but I think that in the end they will help the country have a better civilian service and a more efficient public administration, which is the basis of the integration process", Kukan declared.

Annyway for the EMP of the Golden Dawn of Greece, George Epitideos, some problems such as the Greek minority and the Greater Albania, are not including on the report. 

"There are some political groups in Albania which have government support. They want to creat the Greater Albania. They are well organized for this. They have internet connections, have their own flag and their own map in it. The match between Serbia and Albania in Belgrade gathered Albanians from Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece and other countries. The problem with the supporters of Greater Albania is that they want Epirus, northern Greece, and are tolerated by the Albanian government, which is not respecting the rights of the Greek citizens in Himara, who were forced to receive an Albanian passport. I think that this should be included in the report", declared George Epitideios, Greek European MP, representative of the Golden Dawn.  

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