Friday, January 30, 2015

Wolfgang Schäuble: Europe will not be blackmailed by Greece

First entry: 30 January 2015 - 15:49 Athens, 13:49 GMT
Last update: 15:49 Athens, 13:49 GMTPolitics
Wolfgang Schäuble: Europe will not be blackmailed by Greece
The German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble said Germany is open for talks with the new Greek government – but won’t be blackmailed.
He also said the Greek government knows it has to take action quickly. Noting that Europe had already pushed its generosity to Greece to the absolute limit, Schäuble told representatives of the insurance industry in a speech in Berlin.
We need solidarity in Europe, and besides we cannot be blackmailed, he said.
He said Germany is ready to talk with Greece about its debt problems but the basis for these discussions cannot be changed. He added that agreements in Europe only make sense if they can be relied on.

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