Monday, January 26, 2015

Tsipras dedicates his victory to Greeks living abroad

First entry: 26 January 2015 - 20:35 Athens
Tsipras dedicates his victory to Greeks living abroad - VIDEO
New Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras dedicated Syriza's victory in the elections to the Greeks residing abroad who did not manage to go back to Greece and vote and claimed that his party will make an effort to bring them back and rebuild the country. 
"Today we are celebrating. Today we party. Our people have the right to joy and celebrations. Five years now they deprived us from all of that. We have the right to happiness and party. I appeal to all Greeks, all Greeks either living inside or outside the country. I especially want to talk to the thousands of young scientists, who reside out of our country, migrants abroad and did not manage to come and vote. We are dedicating this victory to you and we promise you. Our great national goal is to bring back employment in our country, to bring you back, to work altogether to lift this country up. Goodnight, be strong in our struggles, goodbye".

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