Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tsipras aims at majority in the new Greek parliament

First entry: 22 January 2015 - 09:06 Athens, 07:06 GMT
Last update: 09:06 Athens, 07:06 GMTPolitics
Tsipras aims at majority in the new Greek parliament
With opinion polls suggesting that SYRIZA’s lead over New Democracy is growing, leftist leader Alexis Tsipras urged voters to give him the extra backing needed to gain a parliamentary majority in Sunday’s elections.
“An autonomous SYRIZA means a powerful Greece,” he said during speech in Patra. “A powerful SYRIZA means an autonomous Greece. It means an end to national humiliation. It means an end to the catastrophic memorandums.”
SYRIZA sources appeared confident of the party’s victory on Sunday but not yet clear on whether a parliamentary majority is within reach.
In his attempt to drum up support for the party, Tsipras appeared to reject all forms of possible cooperation after the elections. He dismissed potential coalition partners, such as PASOK and Potami, as “guarantors of the troika.”
“We will not govern with the troika,” he said. “Nor will we accept people who represent the troika’s views in our cabinet.”

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