Friday, January 9, 2015

Panepirotic Leaders, Himara Community Press US on Albania Treatment of Greeks

Alarming situation of human rights of the Greeks living in Albania and in particular in Himara Region, has managed to mobilize all the Greek American Epiriot Lobby, by intensifying a series of meetings in the State Department and the US Congress.

In particular, since 2014, Mark is an increase in the Himara Community efforts, in terms of the US Department and in Congress, to the evident hostility official Tirana and the Albanian politics in general, to the continuing violation of the rights the man in the Himara Region.

The culmination came with the arrival of three US congressmen in October 2014 in Tirana, who asked directly at the Albanian government to reconsider attitudes to the Himara Region.

In the same wavelength, The Pan Epirotica Federation of USA President Nicholas Gage, has had intensive meetings in the State Department several times with senior officials, including the new ambassador Donald Lu and Thomas K. Yazdgerdi, the Director of South Central European Affairs.

Nicholas Gage

Himarrioton Society of America Board members, met with new Ambassador to Albania, Mr. Donald Lu, in U.S. Department of State

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