Thursday, January 1, 2015

Himara Community: Father Kosmas Karavellas "Person of the Year 2014"

The Himara Community of Albania, declared as the "Person of the Year 2014" Father Kosmas Karavellas, The President of the Himara Society in Washington, USA.

Father Karavellas, during 2014, together with other members of the Society Himara, has been very active in US politics in State Department, Congress and the Senate, to protect the rights and freedoms of People of Himara.

The year 2014 marked a series of coordinated actions by Himara Society in collaboration with the Himara Community in Greece and Albania, to internationalized human rights violations in the Himara Region, by the Albanian authorities.

It is to assess the fact that, for the first time, a group of Congressmen from the USA, visited Albania, supported by great efforts of the Father Kosmas and other members of the Himara Society of USA, in October of 2014.

Despite all the achievements, the year 2015, for the entire Diaspora of Himara, will be more consolidated to fight for the rights and freedoms of Himara Region, especially in the matter of ownership, local management and cultural ethnic identity, for which the Albanian state, violated several times, the Constitution of the country to the people of Himara.

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