Saturday, December 27, 2014

Albania to change energy price from next year

TIRANA, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) -- Albania energy regulatory entity (ERE) published on Friday its decision for the new energy price, Albanian Daily News reported.

"Households connected with 35 Kilovolt line will have a price of Lek 9.5 (0.08 U.S. dollar) per kwh. Consumers with 20, 10 and 6 kilovolt line will pay Lek 11 per kwh. The price for bakeries will be Lek 7.1 per kwh, for small businesses Lek 11 per kwh and for large businesses Lek 14 per kwh," explained the ERE leader, Petrit Ahmeti.

The new fees will take into effect on Jan. 1 and will be valid until December 2015.
The decision was taken after the entity reviewed the requirements of companies of the energy sector.
Currently the price of electricity for households was charged at two levels, Lek 7.7 per kwh up to 300 kwh and Lek 13.5 per kwh beyond this level. (1 U.S. dollar = 114.7 Lek)

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