Sunday, December 14, 2014



Situation in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea with the area equal to Belgium or Macedonia, financing and armament of terrorist groups in the East of Ukraine revealed a wide net of Russian agents in the European Union and unmasked Russian lobby opposed to United Europe.

Resulting from the election of May 25, 20% of the European Parliament members are representatives of parties supporting dissolution of the EU. Their core is made of right-wing politicians.

Despite the absence of direct contacts between the abovementioned members of Parliament and government of the Russian Federation, there are reliable facts and evidences proving their collaboration with the Kremlin.

For example, the winner in the election in France with 25% of votes is the National Front led by Marine Le Pen, who sees the Russian President Vladimir Putin as her ally, as a man who tries to protect traditional social values and Christian heritage. In June 2003, at the invitation of the Chairman of the State Duma (Lower House of the Federal Assembly of Russia) Marine Le Pen visited Moscow where she met Deputy Prime Minister Dmitriy Rogozin. In the spring of 2014, Le Pen supported the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Now, being elected to the European Parliament, she is going to make strategic alliance with Greek neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party, Hungarian Jobbik (Movement for a Better Hungary) and far-right National Democratic Party of Germany.

At the same time, in Britain the winner of the election to the European Parliament was UK Independence Party (UKIP) advocating withdrawal of Britain from the European Union. The party led by Nigel Farage received 29% of votes, which more than doubles the previous result obtained five years ago. Nigel Farage himself repeatedly expressed commitment to Vladimir Putin.

Moreover, among the parties supporting actions of the Russian President are Jobbik (Hungary), Golden Dawn (Greece) and Attack (Bulgaria). On April 01, 2014, a deputy of Bulgarian Parliament, member of Attack Party, stated that dismissal of the government of this country would be recommended in case sanctions against Russia in connection with the crisis in Ukraine were supported. Previously such opinion was announced by leader of the said party Volen Syderov. According to WikiLeaks, Bulgarian far-right Attack Party maintains very close relations with the Russian embassy.

In May of 2014, deputy Bela Kovacs, member of Jobbik Party was accused of spying for Russia. The member of the Russia-EU Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, being at the same time member of similar parliamentary cooperation committees of the EU with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, committees for cooperation with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia was accused of frequent contacts with Russian diplomats and monthly visits to Russia. The Alliance of European National Movements having Kovacs as one of their principal founders was also suspected of secret relations with Russia. Meanwhile the Greek Golden Dawn Party that has never concealed its links to Russian far-right forces is considered to be financed through Russian intelligence.

Those were representatives of neo-Nazi and far-right European organizations to observe the illegal referendum in Crimea which allowed Moscow to annex the Ukrainian territory. And these are members of Russian neo-Nazi organizations who right now fight on the side of pro-Russian terrorist groups in the East of Ukraine. Considering all the aforesaid, connection between the Kremlin and neo-Nazi groups in Europe is evident. The aim of Russia is to bring far-right forces to power in Europe, create pro-Russian leadership in the European Parliament and, finally, break down the European Union beginning with former USSR and the Warsaw Pact states split-off and proceeding with their engagement into the newly-founded Eurasian Economic Union. By the way, the leader of Jobbik Party already promotes withdrawal of Hungary from the EU and joining the Eurasian Economic Union.

Thus, Moscow seeks to obtain the leverage of influence over the EU policy and its decision-makers in order to control European energy market. Gaining on the consequences of the economic crisis, Russia will also increase its support to left political organizations, paying special attention to former Soviet countries and states of Southern Europe, where left-wing movements are popular due to the economic crisis.

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