Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tirana can recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Ankara pressure to Albania to recognize Turkish Cyprus, in exchange for military aid

The decision could cause earthquake in Albanian Greek relations

Tirana. Albania can recognize the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus? Sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania indicate a diplomatic escalation of Ankara in terms of Tirana, to make last-ordinated efforts for recognition of the Cyprus Turkish Republic, the unknown by any UN state.
The news comes from News 24 TV, which for the first time, featured a special report from The Republic of Turkish Cyprus.

But diplomatic sources speak of pressure by Turkey to Tirana, even the fact that Albania is in a difficult economic situation but also expects from Turkey a military aid, in exchange for recognition of the Republic of Turkish Cyprus.

Turkey was the first country that recognized the independence of Kosovo, and covers a portion of the Albanian diplomacy in the world. This determination of Tirana, has caused clashes as Italy and Greece, both members of the EU, but in particular a decision on recognition of the Cyprus Turkish Republic from Tirana, can have a domino effect from Athens to Albania

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