Friday, November 21, 2014

Pasok leader Venizelos meets with former Greek PM Simitis

First entry: 21 November 2014 - 16:48 Athens, 14:48 GMT
Last update: 16:48 Athens, 14:48 GMTPolitics
Pasok leader Venizelos meets with former Greek PM Simitis
PASOK leader Venizelos meets with former Greek PM Simitis
Greek Government Vice-President, Foreign Minister and PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos on Friday morning met with former party leader and prime minister Costas Simitis.
Emerging from Simitis’ office in the Parliament, where the meeting took place, Venizelos told reporters that they had a good and meaningful discussion on all issues, such as the negotiation with Greece's creditors, the economy and international matters.

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