Thursday, November 20, 2014

Kosovo set to get government, Thaci to be president in 2016

PRIŠTINA -- Six months after elections followed by a political deadlock "Kosovo will very soon get a new government," the local media in Priština are reporting on Thursday.
Priština (Tanjug, file)
Priština (Tanjug, file)
According to those, as part of a deal reached among political parties, outgoing president and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo Hashim Thaci will take over as president "in 2016."
It was reported earlier that Thaci and leader of the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo Isa Mustafa agreed to forge a coalition government that will be headed by Mustafa.

The assembly speaker and the sole deputy premier will come from the ranks of Thaci's party, while both parties will have an equal number of ministers.

This concerns 85 percent of all portfolios, as 15 percent are allocated to minority partners in the future coalition - the Serb (Srpska) List and other non-Albanian communities, the website said.

Thaci will take over as president in mid-2016 when Atifete Jahjaga's mandate expires. He will be elected by the assembly.

Leaders of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Self-Determination Movement Ramush Haradinaj and Albin Kurti - who have been left out of the deal - said it amounted to "support to crime and corruption."

Kurti told a news conference that Mustafa's "collaborationism with Thaci" would strengthen the latter's "secret, illegal service, called the SIK."

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