Monday, November 10, 2014

Kirby aware of political sensitivity of Albanian PM's visit
BELGRADE - Serbia has taken on itself the initiative to build the best possible relations with all neighboring states, and will continue to do so in the future, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said on Monday during a meeting with U.S. Ambassador Michael Kirby.

Kirby voiced the U.S. support to the president's efforts in the last two years to establish the best and most stable possible relations in the region, which has already yielded concrete results.

The U.S. ambassador also underscored that he is well-aware of the political sensitivity entailed in the Albanian prime minister's visit to Serbia, particularly after the recent incident, the president's press service stated in a release.

The ambassador referred to the incident that took place during the Serbia-Albania football match played in Belgrade on October 14. The match was abandoned after a brawl that followed the appearance of a drone with a map depicting the so called Greater Albania, a nationalist project that would include parts of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece.

In relation to that, the Serbian president said that the first more concrete contact with Albania in a long time was the visit by Serbia's former foreign minister Ivan Mrkic.

Nikolic voiced confidence that all disputes in the Balkans would be resolved much more easily if all Balkan states joined the EU.

President Nikolic and Ambassador Kirby discussed the interest that some American companies voiced in investing in the Serbian economy, the release notes.

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