Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Albanian Foreign Ministry: Greece is blocking us, in all fields

Great winter being prepared for the Greek - Albanian relations


After blocking reports to Committees in the European Union, this time Greece leads another report to OSCE

Greece releases another diplomatic offensive against Albania, country which does not respect human rights, freedoms on property, not recognize ethnic communities, the risk of extreme nationalism, security of state borders, and Increase of national iredentism as a destabilizing factor ...

Secret report to Prime Minister Edi Rama, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which described a series of issues, be blocked for Albania.

The agreement of Territorial Waters, Himara, Greek community, school textbooks, extremist nationalist groups, Albanian Orthodox Church, Territorial Division, etc., as well as the entire framework of Freedoms and Human Rights, all congestion composts this process


Tirana: Greece has started a series of blockages in almost all areas that relate to the integration of Albania in the European Union. But this process is not made public, but through diplomatic channels, in which a secret report from Brussels, through the Albanian representatives, has alarmed Tirana.

Perhaps nothing appears in public, the message of Athens, led to Tirana, has been taken into account in full silence. The report stated that "recently, Athens has undertaken a secret attack, blocking all levels of negotiations between the European Union and Tirana, listing a series of issues, for which Greece has openly displayed discontent".

After blocking reports to Committees in the European Union, this time Greece leads another report to OSCE

Greece releases another diplomatic offensive against Albania, country which does not respect human rights, freedoms on property, not recognize ethnic communities, the risk of extreme nationalism, security of state borders, and Increase of national iredentism as a destabilizing factor ...

But in the Albanian public, nothing is said, as the media continues to be controlled by government institutions, which continues to keep open, a nationalist campaign, orchestrated by the political leadership itself.
Recent events in Serbia, in which during the football match of UEFA qualifiers, between Albania and Serbia, was provoked by the flag of Great Albania, brought the biggest reaction to Greece.that it considered the territory of Greece, as a part of Greater Albania.

The reaction of Greece, came through Foreign Minister Venizelos, who meanwhile, sent a protest note to Tirana, the fact that the Greek community, felt threatened by Albanian nationalist militias.

In October 28, Athens expected to respect the honor ceremony officially from Albania, Greek Independence Day known as OXI, but for Greek analysts, not honoring Greek soldiers, fallen in World War II, from the Albanian authorities, constitutes a great clash which took the dignity of Greece. as a political and historical process, between the two countries, although this Agreements, has been signed by the Ministry of Defense of Albania.

However, a series of issues, ranging from the failure of the Agreement of Marine Waters, Territorial Division and Himara threat to the Greek Community by Albanian nationalist groups, Orthodox churches, properties belonging to Greeks in Albania, etc. constitute areas of blockage that ruled Greece through veto.

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