Monday, November 17, 2014

BBC: Albania in the grip of corruption and unemployment
Albania remains one of the poorest countries in Europe. This is what is highlighted in the profile that the BBC has published for our country. What is worth saying is that the foreign investments are hampered as a result of a number of factors, which relate to corruption, unemployment, infrastructure etc.

"Unemployment remains very high and the infrastructure and corruption continue to hamper foreign investments." These are some of the main problems highlighted in the profile that BBC has recently changed.

"According to a report published by the supervisor of bribery, "Transparency International", 2012, Albania is currently the most corrupt country in Europe ", it says.

The analysis in question explains that although there are signs of economic progress, keeping inflation under strict control with little growth, the country remains one of the poorest in Europe, outside the former Soviet Union.

The monitoring noted that Albania applied for EU membership EU in 2009, under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the got the status in June 2014.

"The European Union encourages other reforms, particularly in the fight against organized crime and corruption, press freedom, property rights and the rights of minorities," says BBC.

Speaking on last year's elections, BBC reportedly says that Edi Rama took a landslide victory in the parliamentary elections of 2013, ending eight years of conservative government.

Rama is described by observers as a good speaker of English, French and Italian, as a doer, with a strong personality.

"Rama has promised that Albania will be a member of the EU within 10 years. His promise to improve living standards in a country where many people depend on the income of immigrants who live in the EU and the US, will be particularly difficult to achieve ", writes BBC.

BBC also comments Rama's meeting with Serbian counterpart Vucic. "In front of the Foreign Policy, one of the biggest challenges that he faces is the restoration of bridges of cooperation with Belgrade, which has been deeply suspicious of Tirana's objectives towards Kosovo."

Rama's visit to Belgrade, is seen as a historic opportunity to improve relations between the two countries and tensions rose when both Rama and Vucic attacked each other as they spoke on the status of Kosovo ", said BBC. /

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