Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reactions of the politics in Tirana
Rama:"I feel regret for all those who have become part of this manipulation. This shows efforts to hide what happened in the stadium"
Rama: Football is not an instrument of politics
Football is not an instrument of politics. This is what Prime Minister Edi Rama said today referring to what happened yesterday in Belgrade.

During an interview with "Voice of America", Rama noted that what we saw yesterday was hatred coming from the past and an ugly display of violence and racism.

He underlined that the Albanian flag was no provocation. Referring to the allegations against his brother, Rama said he feels nothing but remorse.

"I feel regret for all those who have become part of this manipulation. This shows efforts to hide what happened in the stadium.

It is the hatred of the past that has hindered our region to move forward. There is nothing real or true about this, but more argument over how far from reality was what happened yesterday and was commented today, "said Rama.

Bushati: Serbian government should punish hooligans 
In a press release Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati, commented the violence during the match between Serbia and Albania.

He urged Serbian authorities to punish those responsible for the incident.

"I call on the Serbian authorities to condemn without loss of time and to bring in front of justice all those responsible for the incidents, investigate the event.
I call on them to take the necessary steps, proving that football is a characteristic of civilization, "said Bushati.

Bushati also emphasized that yesterday evening he tried to speak to his Serbian counterpart Dacic, but this did not happen due to the negligence on the Serbian side.

"We asked the Serbian side to demonstrate maturity and restraint, not to use a football game for politics. We have been in constant meetings and consultations with international partners, "he said.

Bushati said that hospitality is a characteristic of the Balkans, but in Serbia we did not see that. "I am deeply sorry for that", Bushati said.

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