Saturday, October 4, 2014


"The Himara Issue" brings in Tirana a group of US Congressmen

           US Republican Congresman of Florida Gus Bilirakis with member of the Himara Community in USA


Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) will come for the first time in Tirana, for intensive meetings

 US Congressmen will arrive in Albania, after the problematic vote of Territorial Division, where Himara Region, rejected joining with Vranishti Municipality

Gregory Meeks, Official Photo.jpg
 Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY)

Rep. Jack Kingston.jpg
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA)

                  US V/President Joe Biden with Kosmas Karavellas, Chairman of the Himararioton Lobby of USA

US Republican Congressmen, will came on 11 October, will met in Tirana with Prime Minisiter Edi Rama, Archbishop Anastasios, as well as Vangjel Dule. Also they will met representatives of the Himara Community of Diaspora and "Omonia" Organsation.

 With the insistence of Prime Minister Rama diverted planned visit the US Congressmen in Himara

Tirana. A group of high-level of USA politicians,
Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), will visit Tirana on October 11. The "Himara Issue" under the "New Territorial Division" by voting in the Albanian Parliament,  is the preoccupation both the State Department and the House of Representatives of USA, in which Himara, joined arbitrarily, unjustly, with Vranishti Municipality.

The Group of American officials, chaired by Republican Congressman Gus Bilirakis of Florida (The Greek Amerikan Lobby) , will meet on October 11 in Tirana, with senior representatives of the Albanian state, including, Prime Minister Edi Rama, Mayor of Parliament Ilir Meta, as Archbishop Janullatos and Vangel Dules, and representatives of the Himara Community of Diaspora and "Omonia" Organsation.

  The fact was made known in the international plan that "Himara issue" is widely discussed during the Parliamentary session on 31 July, which was voted the new Territorial Division,which would have ramifications. The group of senior US Representatives has attended systematically many concerns, complaints by the Himariot Lobby in USA, for all the framework of freedoms and human rights in which property and Territorial Division, constitutes the "Himara Issue".

Meanwhile, Albanian opposition, has appealed the new territorial division to the Constitutional Court of Albania, based on the fact that communities and local administrative units, were not asked for their rights, according to the Constitution of Albania.


In a meeting held on 19 June 2014 in Dhermi, the main representatives of political parties and Civil Society of Himara adopted a resolution, they can go to referendum, if the Parliament, would give its consent Administrative Division, against the aspirations of the people of Himara, based on the Albanian Constitution, Article 108.

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