Sunday, October 26, 2014

New poll gives Syriza 8.5-point lead over New Democracy

First entry: 25 October 2014Athens,

New poll gives Syriza 8.5-point lead over New Democracy
New poll gives Syriza 8.5-point lead over New Democracy
A new opinion poll has given Greece’s main opposition Syriza an 8.5 point lead over ruling New Democracy.
The Public Issue poll published in Efimerida Ton Sintakton on Saturday said support for Syriza was running at 35.5% against 27% for New Democracy.
To Potami comes third with 10.5% and the Greek Communist party KKE fourth with 6.5%.
Junior coalition partner Pasok follows with 6%, tying with the neo-nazi Golden Dawn party. The rest of the intended vote goes to Independent Greeks (3%), Democratic Left (1%) and “other” (4.5%).
These percentages would translate into 144 seats in parliament for Syriza, 71 for New Democracy, 28 for To Potami, 17 for KKE, 16 for Pasok, 16 for Golden Dawn and 8 for Independent Greeks.

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