Monday, October 20, 2014

An Albanian from Italy placed drone on church roof 
Photo: Tanjug

BELGRADE – An Albanian from Italy, Ismail Morinaj (32), was a “specialist” who, on 14th of October, from the dome of the Church of the Holy Archangel Gabriel, launched a drone with the flag of so-called “Greater Albania”, which was then flown to the Partizan stadium, writes Belgrade media. 

 According to reports, Morinaj, mountaineering and rock climbing expert, entered Serbia on October 11, in a car with Italian license plates, and stayed in a hostel close to Partizan stadium, using an Italian identity card. Serbian Daily “Informer” reports that Morinaj, immediately after the match, ran from Serbia, but the police located him and have already asked Interpol to help in apprehending him. 

According to the paper, there is evidence that Morinaj and the brother of Albanian Prime Minister, Olsi Rama, know each other very well, and that they planned together details of inserting the drone to the stadium, in order to provoke riots. The paper writes that Rama, after Morinaj “drove” the drone to the stadium, took control of the aircraft, most likely through a program that was previously installed in his “iPhone”.

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