Monday, September 15, 2014

‘Stick your license fee up your a***!’ Pro-indy Scots denounce ‘liar’ BBC journo in protest

Published time: September 15, 2014 13:14
Edited time: September 15, 2014 15:51
'Yes' campaign people gather for a rally outside the BBC in Glasgow, Scotland September 14, 2014. (Reuters/Paul Hackett)

Pro-independence Scots rallied outside the BBC’s Glasgow headquarters on Sunday to protest the public broadcaster’s pro-union “bias” and demand the resignation of political editor Nick Robinson.
Waving Scottish flags and “Yes Scotland” banners, protesters chanted, “You can stick your license fee up your a***!” while banners read “Auntie Beeb, anti-democracy, anti-truth”.
One giant banner read: “Sack Nick ‘The Liar’ Robinson, a totally corrupt journalist, these days typical of the British Biased Corporation.”
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