Monday, September 22, 2014

Starts Occupation "de facto" of Himara Region


Albanian Government provides building permits, starts works on three tourist villages of Himara Region, Draleo
Approval was made by the National Council of Territorial Adjustment of Albania KKRRT, in contrast to the Regional Development Plan of Himara, without ownership titles

Athens gives the national priority for "Himara Issue" especially after, arbitrary territorial division, voted by the Albanian Parliament

Himara. The government of Prime Minister Edi Rama, in one of the meetings of the National Council of Territorial Adjustment of Albania, has decided to grant planning permission for three holiday villages, whose owners represent the most powerful oligarch media in Albania.

The decision came immediately after the approval by Parliament of Albania, of the Territorial Division, in which Himara Region joined involuntarily from the Albanian government decisions.

But adoption is made by the National Council of Territorial Adjustment of Albania KKRRT, in contrast to the Regional Development Plan of Himara, without ownership titles.

Sources from the Himara Municipality, said to SManalysis, that property titles in which will built these tourist villages in Draleo, Drymades of Himara Region, are falls documents, counterfeit and unregistered, while the true owners, some of them, are US citizens, with origin from Himara.

Arbitrary actions underway against community interests of the people of Himara and their properties from the Albanian government, are monitored by the State Department but also from the Greek government.

In a meeting held last month in NATO Summit, the two prime ministers, Greece and Albania, just the Himara Issue, was an unsolved problem from the Albanian side. PM Samaras headed the Albanian MP Edi Rama to return dignity that Himara region, in which the ethnic Greek community living, for thousands of years.

But meanwhile, while not expected formal progress of Tirana, on issues pending, as is the determination of Sheffield Water border between Greece and Albania, the Himara Issue, is set as a national priority of Greek politics, to oppose the expansion of the Albania nationalism, to wipe off the map, territories belonging to the Greek community of thousands of years of Himara Region.

Himara, is put in the center of the Albanian irredentism policy debates, especially the last few months, where in addition to territorial division, are openly displayed provocations of security institutions of Albania, as Albania's Secret Service Director, spoke during a report in Albanian Parliament, that "If Himara, in the new territorial division, will be left alone in the example of Crimea, then, it has capacity with the help of Greek politics and in USA, to be declared independent from Albania"

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