Monday, September 22, 2014

NEW AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES: There are Slav Majority and Albanian minority Living in Macedonia
NEW AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES: There are Slav Majority and Albanian minority Living in Macedonia I would note that within the fabric of Macedonian society there are more than Slavs and Albanians, says Baily. Photo: Printscreen/
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I would note that within the fabric of Macedonian society there are more than Slavs and Albanians, says Baily.

There are Slav majority and Albanian minority living in Macedonia. With this negation of the existence of the Macedonian nation, the new American ambassador Jess Lippincott Baily comes to service in the Republic of Macedonia, MIA reports.

The successor of Paul Wohlers expressed this thesis three days ago during the nomination hearing in the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States before his arrival in Skopje.

The provocation was initiated by the Sen. Chris Murphy, Chairman of the Committee within the American Senate and member of the Democratic Party, with the question addressed to Bailey.

“You touched some recent concerns raised about ethnic tensions within Macedonia and, of course, ethnic reconciliation is a key element of lasting regional peace on the Balkans and so, you have a Slavic majority and Albanian minority, you’ve got reports of rising tensions and you got, as you mentioned, the Ohrid Agreement. What’s your understanding in where the Ohrid Agreement stands,” Sen. Murphy asked.

Bailey replied to this saying that the Framework Agreement has put an end to the civil conflict and prompted active participation of the Albanian minority in the government and the economy in the country.

However, the thing that should concern us seriously and to cause reaction of the Macedonian political leadership is his next paragraph:

“I would note that within the fabric of Macedonian society there are more than Slavs and Albanians. There are Turks and there are Roma and others so this is a micro cosmos in many ways of the richness of the Balkans and to get all those populations to see a common future, I think the US can play important role given our own history and our own set of values,” said Bailey, whose ambassador credentials should be received soon by the Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov.

Identical position that Slavic majority population and not Macedonians, lives in our country together with the largest minority community of ethnic Albanian, was presented more than a year ago in the European Parliament by the Ambassador of the European Union in Macedonia, Aivo Orav.

In this presentation before the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) of the European Parliament, Orav repeatedly used the term Slavs and Slavo-Macedonians instead of saying Macedonian people,that caused a backlash in the Macedonian society and sharp notes of protest from the Macedonian leadership.

The hearing of the Ambassador Bailey can be seen at the following link  and the specific question from Senator Murphy and Bailey's response can be seen at 48:30 and 51:08.
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