Monday, September 29, 2014

Dnevnik, Macedonia: Strasbourg calls for recognition of the Macedonians in Bulgaria

29 September 2014 | 11:27 | FOCUS News Agency
Dnevnik, Macedonia: Strasbourg calls for recognition of the Macedonians in Bulgaria
Skopje. The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) within the Council of Europe published its fifth report on Bulgaria last week and called Sofia to recognise the Macedonian minority and guarantee its rights, Macedonian Dnevnik daily reads.
The report also says that Bulgaria shows certain progress but problems connected with intolerance and xenophobia remained.
The document says that the approach towards the Roma people and the big number of Roma kids dropping out of school were serious problems.
Leader of the OMO Ilinden-PIRIN party, which is not registered in Bulgaria, said that it was good that the report outlined the problems faced by the Macedonians in Bulgaria. According to Stoyko Stoykov, they have won another moral battle but there is no instrument to make Bulgaria implement these recommendations.

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