Thursday, September 18, 2014

Albanian politicians and their surroundings, buy property in northern Greece

Greek Army Special Forces, patrolling the border during the summer, had more information than in these areas, Albanians, are buying more assets of Greek citizens

Greek intelligence service, EYP informs Prime Minister Samaras, many Albanian nationalist MPs and Chams purchase real estate in the area as in Thesprotia and Epirus.

File:MourtosMarinaQuay.jpgSome Greek provincial politicians, mainly PASOK paid to perform processes transactions from Albanians

Athens. "Hotels, motor boats, Boats, shops and luxury villas are often purchased by Albanians, especially in areas of northern Greece, in Thesprotia, Korfu and Ioannina."

Thus begins a more secret report sent by the Security Service of Greece, EYP, for the Prime Minister Antoni Samaras, who according to Greek portals, issues like this, constitutes a serious threat to the National Security of Greece.

Becoming a complicated issue with the boats, hotels and villas through  illegal transactions, they are becoming increasingly frequent in the Northern Regions of Greece, for which, these assets have been recorded, under the Greek names, or are forged by Greek officials through corrupt methods.

 Update the report yet more of the Greek Army Special Forces, patrolling the border during the summer, they had more information than in these areas, Albanians, are buying more assets of Greek citizens.

But specifically, the group of Cham Party in Albanian Parliament, Party for Justice and Integration PJIU and several former Socialist Party ministers and their family members, have concentrated their capital in northern Greece illegally, creating a strong base for Financial and Economic, by exploiting poverty that Greek families are experiencing today.

According to the report, these powerful economic investment, led by Albanian tomorrow may constitute a threat to the surprise of the Albanian nationalist expansionism, with unpredictable consequences for national security in Greece.


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