Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Defence Minister Avramopoulos on board the “Salamis” frigate

Mr. Avramopoulos praised the professionalism and combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces staff who worked on the Libyan Mission
National Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos went aboard the Salamis frigate yesterday in order to thank and congratulate on behalf of the Greek state the crew for the successful evacuation of Greek and foreign nationals from Tripoli, Libya.
In his address, Mr. Avramopoulos praised the high professionalism and combat effectiveness of the staff of the Armed Forces and thanked the families of the frigate crew for “boosting the moral” of the men.
Mr. Avramopoulos underlined that the national defense system “is always ready to respond to anything that contributes to the stability, peace and security in this region during this period of instability and uncertainty.”
The Defence Minister was accompanied by the Chief of Defence, General Mikhail Kostarakos and Chief of Hellenic Navy Vice Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis.



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