Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Protest rally in Athens for the new administrative division in Northern Epirus, Southern Albania

The National Association of Northern Epirus 1914 calls Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 6:30 pm, all Greeks, the show organized protest outside the offices of the European Commission delegation in Athens, Vas Sofias 2 for the planned administrative division in Northern Epirus by the Albanian government, which seeks full ownership Ethnic and alteration of Northern Epirus Greeks.

The National Association of Northern Epirus in 1914, as it had known a week ago, tried and came into contact with various bodies associated with the Northern Epirus Greeks, but unfortunately did not find the response she expected and appropriate to a militant mobilization on such an important issue which will determine to a large extent and our future.

The Greeks of Epirus are not entitled to remain apathetic, nor maudlin. Since not say no presence in Athens, where he lives permanently largest
mass population of the Northern Epirus, and our absence to show the absence of we prefer to give this to this historic challenge even a few dozen, to unite our voice to those that are these days in their homeland and are planning similar protests the day before the crucial vote in the Albanian parliament.

So prefer this protest, in order to have greater value, so meaningful and symbolic, to express the European Commission, which will decide over time on whether to join Albania in the European Union.

Moreover, the administrative division as planned from Tirana, is a flagrant violation of human rights for national minorities adopted by international organizations. Will follow a path to the Foreign Ministry.

In this event no excess. We call those Greek national consciousness to give this concentration Wednesday, July 30, 2014. Everyone present in the offices of the European Commission delegation in Athens, Vas Sofias 2.

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