Sunday, July 27, 2014

Kosov army would be threat to Serbia and region

NOVI SAD - Serbian Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic stated that Serbia sees the creation of the future army of Kosovo as a threat to its stability and the stability in the region, and added that Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) remains the biggest security threat for the country.

This is why we maintain that international forces in KiM should guard peace in the province and protect security of the minority population in keeping with their mandate, Gasic said in an interview for the latest edition of the Novi Sad-based weekly Dnevnik.

KFOR has a special role and responsibilities concerning this security risk, Gasic said and underscored that the Defence Ministry maintains good cooperation with the international forces, all with a view to preserving stability and protecting the Serb community in the province.

We are actively working on the prevention of all potential dangers, we are cautious and always willing to respond in an adequate manner, Gasic said.

Asked about potential pressures on Serbia to additionally shift its focus to NATO, especially in the context of the crisis in Ukraine, the defence minister said that he does not see any reason for such pressures.

In keeping with the foreign policy goals defined by the government, the cooperation with NATO within the Partnership for Peace Programme provides ample room and Serbia is intensively utilising the opportunities with a view to strengthening its defence capacities and contributing to peace in the world, Gasic said.

He stated that the participation of Serbia's representatives in the competition of tank drivers at the Russian Tank Biathlon from August 4 to 7 and the potential modernisation of the army with the help of Russian equipment will not impact the country's relations with NATO.

Photo Tanjug, Z. Zestic (archiv photo)

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