Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Question by MEP Koumoutsakos to the European Commission for Premeti case

Written priority question to the European Commission for the violence, vandalism and acts of sacrilege in the holy church of the Virgin Mary in the town Premeti in Albania, filed late yesterday afternoon to the European Commission, MEP  Mr. G. Koumoutsakos.

Specifically, the Greek MEP since it refers to the unfortunate and unacceptable these episodes, asks the European Commission to answer the following:
If you have requested to be informed not only by the Albanian Government, but also by the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania for these events.
If condemns such actions.

What he thinks about the situation regarding the respect for human and religious rights in Albania, which wants to join the EU
if the Commission will include these events in this configuration an annual report on the progress of Albania perspective is integrated into the EU

The full text of the question.

"Violence, vandalism and acts of sacrilege occurred the Friday, August 16, at the Church of the Virgin Mary in the city Premeti Albania, just one day after extremely important for Xristianosyni Orthodox feast of the Virgin Mary. Specifically, male private security company acting on behalf of the Albanian state forcibly removed the clergy and faithful of the Orthodox parish Premetis and prevent entry of pilgrims to the temple to be the "seal." Besides, committed vandalism and acts of sacrilege, and removed holy icons, sacred vessels seized from the church and the shattered bell.
Emphasized that today Monday, August 19, there was a new intensity in the same area between Albanian police, clergy and faithful Christians, followed by violent stoning against the Greek Consular Authority of the city of Gjirokastra.

The above actions have been denounced and condemned by the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania, grossly violate the fundamental European principle and acquis of respect for religious freedom and unhindered exercise of religion, and the principle of respect for sacred places. Noted that the Conference of European Churches has repeatedly stressed the need for absolute respect for all holy places. Also, special mention must be made to the recent agreement between the government and religious communities in Albania for a return to those of all religious institutions.

That said, can the Commission:
Condemns these actions?
What is your opinion regarding the respect for human rights in Albania, who wants to join the EU?
Will the Commission include the above events in the present configuration annual report on Albania's progress in perspective is integrated in the EU? "
Is aware of these facts? Request information from both the Albanian government and the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania?

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