Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pavićević: Serbs and Albanians ask for help

Pristina - Liaison Officer of Belgrade with Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic, says he has not had problems so far, and that both Serbs and Albanians ask for his help.
/Tanjug, file/
/Tanjug, file/
Pavićević, who has been the liaison officer for a month and a half, says for the "Novosti" that the work of liaison officers is a pioneering endeavour because there are many technicalities to be solved, but so far, everything has worked as planned.
Mostly Serbs from Central Kosovo address him asking for help, he says, having a wide range of requirements, but also Albanians, and adds that his door is open to anyone who has a problem.

I'll find time for everybody if I can somehow help them, but also for those who can and want to help me to better perform this duty.

Stating that his office is in the EU building in Pristina, Pavicevic says that he has 24-hour police protection and has not had any problems so far.

Asked whether he has contacts with Albanian politicians in Pristina, Pavicevic said that as a liaison officer in Pristina, he "came to talk to everyone, and therefore also to the international community representatives, Albanians, representatives of NGOs, and in order to solve specific everyday problems and implement the Brussels Treaty."

He stressed that the Serbian government is very committed to dialogue and the implementation of the agreement.

In terms of local elections in Kosovo, Pavicevic says he does not like to make predictions, but "joins the message they (the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija) received from Belgrade."

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