Friday, August 2, 2013

Kathimerini: New Albanian government without Northern Epiriotes

TIRANA. The composition of the new government announced yesterday the Socialist Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, winner of parliamentary elections on June 23. The new government involving five ministers of the Socialist Movement Integration of Ilir Meta, the main government partner of the Socialists of Rama.

Greek-speaking party KEAD complained, however, that Mr. Rama chose not to include any Greek origin minister in his government, despite the existing electoral agreement, which provided for the return of a portfolio on Northern politician. The President of KEAD Vangelis Doulos yesterday had contacts with members of the socialists, but to announce a change in the composition of the cabinet.

According to statements made yesterday by Edi Rama, 90% of ministers has not been assigned in the past portfolio, while the cabinet has shaped the ranks of the country unprecedented number of women.

Important challenge government Rama is now tackling endemic corruption, linking the political leadership of the country to the drug trade, human trafficking (trafficking), the illegal gambling and smuggling fuel. Pleiades judges, police and journalists are the "payroll" criminal organizations as mentioned in a report from 2010 the American Embassy in Tirana. The embassy estimates that Albania loses every year 300 million dollars in unpaid taxes from fuel smuggling alone.

Edi Rama thus have to impose radical reforms in the public sector to deal with the cancer of corruption. This, however, will require alliances and support from the West, as noted in an article in the website «Huffington Post». The stated intention of Rama to fight corruption and organized crime should receive support from Europe, could offer its expertise to the Albanian police. Analyst «Huffington Post» cautions, however, that this should be done with care and constant monitoring to avoid errors such as that of the undivided support to Georgian President Saakashvili and the corrupt government he created.

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