Friday, August 9, 2013

Danas: Blair's Minister to Be Vucic's Adviser?

/Tanjug, file/
First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has held talks with two prominent UK politicians and experts, Stephen Byers and Peter Lilley.

The talks were held with the UK experts about the possibility of their becoming Vucic’s advisers on the economy, the Danas newspaper writes on Friday.

Quoting a "well-informed sources in London," the paper says
that a final agreement has not been reached yet and that consultations
will probably continue.
Byers and Lilley are prominent members of different parties
-- the former belongs to the Labor Party and was a member of the
cabinet of Tony Blair, while the latter is a conservative and held
offices in the governments of Margaret Thatcher and John Major; at
present, he is a member of the British Parliament.

Danas's sources in London, close to the Foreign Office, say
that one of the reasons for Vucic's interest in potential collaborators
from that country is that outgoing UK ambassador in Belgrade
Michael Kirby will be taking over as head of the EU Delegation to
Serbia in September and that a strong "British connection" could very
well be useful to the Serbian government.
For the past few weeks, Vucic has been holding intensive
talks with financial and economics experts from several European
countries in an effort to induce them to take offices in Serbia's
reshuffled government.

It is not yet clear whether foreigners in a reshuffled government would

only hold advisory positions or would serve in the capacity of ministers,

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